Tracks the like of which I've never seen, and is very rare in nature.
The creature who left these tracks appears to have only 3 feet.
2 of these feet are small round hooves.
But the most curious attribute of this creature is its 'middle' foot, which appear to have the same structure as a human snow boot.
At first, I feared this creature to be the dreaded Manbearpig,
but upon further research, that theory was thankfully debunked.
Here, for your knowledge and protection, are some
examples of the Yahbut's tracks.
Now, my search for the mythical Yahbut must continue. Should you spot similar tracks in your yard, beware. Keep a watchful eye outside, especially at night. Travel in groups. Heaven
knows what the dreaded Yahbut may do to any lone wanderers.
Keep a watchful eye, children, or you could be next!!!
haha the poor woman.