
Welcome to Post-Bush America.
In January of 2009, 600,000 people across the country were laid off.
I am one of them. This is the story of my early retirement!



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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Clearly, I can't be bothered...

...clearly.  see, this is my problem. I think blogging is such a great idea.  i have all these things i want to do, write about.  a bunch of people actually read this.  And then I just stop.

its not for lack of motivation, i swear.  I don't really know what it is.  well, that's a lie as well.  its fucking GAMES.  i get online.  i go on facebook.  and theres FRIGGEN SCRABBLE.  There's world of solitaire .com, freaking hangman, some space mining game that friggen Jacob got me into (thanks buddy, i quite enjoyed it for a while!).  And i just play stupid games online.  And i let everything else go.  

This is why I don't own any video game systems.  I don't have a
ny games for my computer.  i try to avoid my nintendo DS.  and yet, i have an iPod touch, with sudoku and other solitaire games.  and i just get so distracted because all i want to do is play stupid games!!!


i should be telling so much.  I haven't been good at keeping a journal in years, and i'll be honest, in my youth all my journal was for was writing about my sexual exploits or to vent when i was totally depressed.   and now i'm old and married, and i guess i just don't need that crap anymore.

So, what the hell is the point of blogging.  I mean, I have facebook, right? I can post links all i want, share crap, do status updates (which i haven't done in a while), but then i realize I have over 600 friends, which means my stuff reaches a bunch of people, but if you're like me, you barely look at what other people post because there's so many people.  (note:  I only have that many friggen friends because I use facebook to promote my band.  I've friended the zillions of people who came and went for the last 5 years at my company, and have friends that are people i went to high school with and barely knew, and all in between.  why? i don't really know).

I had this bizarre dream last night.  I remember two stone creatures coming out of a stone wall (for some reason i knew they were jewish), and they said the whole point of life was death.  death was all there was.  And I said something really profound about the point of life being every moment between birth and death.  it was the journey.  or something.  i assume.  i couldn't remember anything after I woke up, except that I was walking with a beautiful black woman who I think is from Doctor Who, and we kissed.  I know there was a bunch of other weird stuff there, as my dreams often are.  But I think it was really cool, and I wish I could remember more.

Does anyone else think its cool that John Cusack always has his sister in every movie?

I saw Flight of the Conchords live last week.  It was pretty damn awesome.  They did bizness time, too many dicks on the dancefloor, most beautiful girl in the room, if that's what you're into, and a bunch of other stuff.  twas quite amusing.  The guy who plays their building super in the show opened up (as did Mel, who was hilarious), and he did a great bit about going to a party where some kid was there with Asbergers syndrome, which apparently makes you very socially inept.  The kid got mad that everyone was paying attention to the comedian and laughing.  Then he yelled "why don't you worship me as your GOD???"  which led the comedian to say something hilarious about how he does, and it would make sense that this kid was god.  And i can't remember the punchline. so you get nothing.  

I saw The Books about 2 weeks ago.  They played at the Institute of Contemporary Art.  Go to the site, and the first three checkboxes are albums.  Go and listen to Lost and Safe or something.  its brilliant.  2 guys, a french cellist, and a western mass art hippy with acoustic guitar.  They do this whole visual video cut up to the music, and sample, and sing the samples, and sample the singing , and all kinds of crazy stuff.  We call it ElectroFolk.  So good.

Bea Arthur died yesterday.  Dorothy from Golden Girls is Dead.  This is very sad.

I found an article on a glow in the dark puppy someone cloned.  Well, sort of glow in the dark.  Go read it.  I posted it on Facebook.  I love that I can post links.  Someone asked me if puppy has a soul.  I wrote this:
do clones have souls? do we have souls? is there something more to this body and consciousness, something that, when the body dies, will live on? will my personality, my quirks, my wacky Ian-ness go somewhere when this bizarre red headed body ceases to live? Do I join the great consciousness that I am already a part of, but more directly, or do i just become dirt. All matter is simply energy vibrating at such a high frequency, all energy cannot be destroyed, but where does this consciousness come from? I have cats, and each cat is unique, smart, and has personality, so I believe they have a soul as much as I do. I feel that way about most animals I encounter. I actually think there is a great consciousness behind reality, which i guess you could call God but I won't. I think we're all part of that, already, and perhaps it split off little bits of itself into us, living things, so that it could experience itself in billions of ways, only to build a greater knowledge. sometimes, we learn, and when enough of us have learned something, it spreads like wildfire.
there is a theory called the hundredth monkey effect http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundredth_Monkey_Effect a bunch of monkeys on an island learned something, and once a certain number learned it, a bunch of monkeys on another island just started doing it like they had known it all along. group consciousness, we all suddenly seem to know things we didn't before.

Bea Arthur died yesterday.

The books have these fantastic videos on their website to go along with the music, which you can stream.  Loving this.

A new Sonic Youth album is coming out.  Matador has this thing called Buy Early Get Now, and you can order through your friendly record store and get extra goodies.  I order from Aboveground records on Marthas Vineyard, and they send it to me.  Yay

I got the reissue of Beck's One Foot in the Grave, with like 25 extra tracks.  Can't wait to listen.

i still don't have a job.  can't find one i like.  unemployment pays well.

Mollyburger!  Go to Myspace. Go here http://www.myspace.com/mollyburgermusic
this was a 'project' thing that scott and I did when i was learning drums, and we were high, and having fun cuz everything else out there sucked.  its obnoxious.  Go listen.  enjoy it.  Its kind of a band.  And we just got the actual CD's in the mail.  they're pretty.

Burnt Fur is playing a gig on May 27th at Ramrod.  You should all come.  Its wednesday, its free, we'll play at 930.  I think we're the only band. its our show.  we're doing what we feel like.  come and enjoy.

I think i'm done, for now, i guess.  we'll see.  

oh, did you hear about the crazy pigflu that's killing people everywhere.  It has DNA strands from bird flu, pig flu, and human flu.  sounds like someone may have created this, and it just may kill us all.  weeeeee!  

love you bye

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Consumer Radicalism

‘Never mind what they’re selling. It’s what you’re buying.’ - Fugazi

There is a way to do it. Small ways in your day to day to not give your dollar to the man. And there are more and more ways opening up every day.

If you’re like me, you’re not a big fan of the Big Corporations that run our country. Not a fan of the War for Oil, and the insanely inflated gas prices of the last 2 years. Not a fan of the chemical-laden food that is mass produced and sold to you. (Here’s some food for thought. We use manure in our gardens because it helps things grow. Animal feces is good for plants. Try using human feces, and it will kill everything. Ever wonder why that is? Perhaps its because animals like Cows eat natural things like grass and corn, and humans eat McDonalds and Mountain Dew and things that never would exist in nature). The Corporate Run American System is poisoning you and stealing your hard earned dollars, and you and bending over, dropping trow, and sticking your wallet in your ass so they can easily do both. You are buying into what they’ve told you to.

I try to do everything in my power to keep my hard earned dollars in the hands of my peers, rather than forking it all over to big business. Granted, its relatively impossible to do this 100% of the time, but here are some of my methods that help me to sleep at night.
  • Gas: I do not give my money to Exxon, Mobil, Shell, or any of the major companies. I simply refuse. The less people who give them money, the less they’ll have to charge for their stinking gasoline. Look at the escalated gas prices, especially since that date of huge catastrophe. There is no reason for it, except that they can.
  • Phone Companies: Here’s one of the most amazing scams they’ve come up with in some time. Cell phones are all the rage, and these huge companies can pretty well charge you whatever they want, and rope you in with cool gadgetry. T-Mobile, Sprint, AT&T. Huge corporations who have cornered the market. Or have they. Ever heard of Working Assets? (Now called Credo) Started in 1985 as a small company with ethics, Working Assets gives a portion of all income to various charities, such as Greenpeace and Doctors Without Borders. I’ve used them for 15 years. When I joined, you even got a pint of Ben and Jerry’s free each month for a year. They used to only do local phone, but now they do cell phones as well, and I’ve got a damn cool gadgety phone just like you! The company has raised over $50 million dollars for charitable organizations, and also promotes social activism. In each bill are a number of petitions that you can elect to add your name to, and various socially conscious books that you can buy if you’re interested. Just add it to the bill. Their website features Act for Change, the social activism portion where many political and social causes are featured so you can be informed and get involved. All this from a phone company. And my bill is no more than anyone else’s.
  • Organic Food: Folks, there are a few easy points I can make here. One is, take a look at the ingredients of many of the things that you consume. Good god! What is all of that stuff? Its chemicals, kiddies. Things that men created in a lab. Things that really have no place in food. Soda like Coke can rot through the dashboard of your car when spilled, but you drink it down into your sensitive little tummy. Ever wonder why so many Americans are OBESE? There’s your answer fish bulb! And the almighty THEY only know what sort of mind control chemicals are used in Pop-Tarts, Coke, Lay’s potato chips, et al. Let me tell you, once you start eating more natural foods, you can no longer enjoy these chemical cocktails. You can taste the filth. Now, I know you are going to start whining at me about costs. YES, Organic and natural foods are currently more expensive. WHY? Because they are no longer the main staple, but a niche market. However, the more of us who purchase this sort of product, the cheaper it will get. The reason all that other food is so cheap is because THERE IS NO FOOD IN IT! It is cheaply manufactured chemicals. And don’t complain that you can’t get your favorite products either, because you’ll find a brand of cookies just like Oreo’s that aren’t just crap. Support you local farmers and small mom and pop companies that are making real food.
  • WalMart: Department stores make me sick, and WalMart is the king of nausea. I can in no way give this company any of my money. I have been to a WalMart once, only once, in the desperate need for a cheap vacuum. And I regret that to this day. We all know the poor practices of this company, and if you don’t, look it up. My hatred for WalMart started with the censorship of music, as they only sell acceptable cd’s and alter cover art that they do not enjoy. People should never buy music from department stores. Yes, its cheaper, generally, but they only sell certain things, and if everyone shopped at department stores, they’d put real record stores out of business, and you’d lose the ability to find interesting and experimental artists (yes, this argument is out of date with the internet and iTunes, but I still feel it has validity). WalMart is pure evil, and no one should ever shop there.

Folks, there are many other ways that you can refuse to support the Big Corporations, and I welcome your ideas. Share them with me, and with others. Fight back against the Corporate Government, and support your local businesses. Use your dollar as a weapon. Use every weapon you have. This is how we will reach true freedom.


Ahh, there is just nothing like the smell of Asparagus Pee in the morning!

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