
Welcome to Post-Bush America.
In January of 2009, 600,000 people across the country were laid off.
I am one of them. This is the story of my early retirement!



As enjoyable as it has been, Blogging on Blogger is a lot of work!

Please visit my Tumblr page, which is like blogging, only better, easier, and faster!!!!

You can see my Tumblr posts below, as well!!!!!


Friday, January 30, 2009

some delays

i have a bunch to put up tomorrow
i promise
and i'm getting that laptop, so that will make life much easier

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 2... and Day 3..... and the end of Day 1!

...I never claimed I'd actually post every single day, did I?
well, maybe I did.   One of these days I'm going to take time and design this blog all nice, and figure out if I can email in posts.  I feel like I remember that possibility....

I must finish out Day 1, now musn't I!!!!
Post picking up the little wiff, we came home, and I made dinner.  Being that my kitchen is an absolute sty right now due to my own inefficiency of cleaning before I went on vacation because I'm taking care of a one legged woman and my own sheer laziness!  
So, dinner consisted (this was planned, but coincided with the suggestion of a slightly nauseous one legged woman) of Rising Moon organic Spinach Florentine Ravioli (Vegan, of course, thanks to the one legged slightly nauseous and now Vegan woman I'm taking care of) couple with their organic Roasted Garlic and Chanterelle spaghetti sauce, and some Cascadian Farms frozen organic french cut green beans with toasted almonds, which tasted much better than they smelled coming out of the microwave!   More dishes to clean, but that's what Day 3 is for!
I digress!  
Monday was so taxing (kidding), that television was in store for the rest of the evening!!!!!
First, last weeks episode of House, which was quite good, actually.  House is ridiculous, but he's such a dick that I can't help but love him!  This was followed by a bit of Antiques Roadshow, which gave me a chance to go outside and collect some firewood to keep up toasty warm, and then last weeks episode of Fringe, a show that should be better but I can't help but lov
e.  Giant single celled cold viruses killing people and coming out of their throat.  A crazy scientist dosing insects with his own special blend of LSD.  How could you not love this?

Why am I telling you about what I'm watching on television?

Well, just to show that everything has a purpose, post watching these shows (did I mention that I LOVE my DVR), the magical disaster that is the movie Roadhouse came on.  
 If you are unfamiliar with this movie, well, I pity you!  Granted, its terrible, but its one of those terrible movies that just works so well its fantastic.  Its Patrick Swayze slightly after Dirty Dancing, in that phase where the career is just slightly taking off, but not enough, so they do these terrible movies with their fingers crossed.  Anyways, he stars as Dalton, the brooding Cooler who cleans up bars that have way too much chaos.  He kicks peoples asses yet
 hates to fight (he's like a Buddhist hitman).  I could tell you more, but I don't want to spoil it, and I really don't need to, except to mention that John Doe from the band X has a small role, and Sam Elliott is also in this mo
vie, and how can you not love Sam Elliott?  
Nothing like sitting down, watching Roadhouse, and eating Chocolate and Cheese.  Aww yeah. 

So, of course I'm updating my facebook status with all this, and my sick little monkey friend Mike C (one of the most fantastic cooks at Ten Tables), who happens to have a bizarre love for Mr. Swayze, contacts me online to find out what channel, and joins me in watching.  Texting ensues, and in his brilliance, he comments on my status the following: "Half Man Half Amazing Patrick Swayze."
This reminds me of the most ridiculous tattoo I've ever seen, which I will now lovingly share with you:

The point of all this is that Mike put up some pictures of the creation of Ten Tables Cambridge.  Looks like the former residents (who will remain nameless as I do not want to give them any recognition or free advertising out of spite) left a disaster, and my poor friends are forced to clean it up.  
I thought to myself, well, I have nothing to do, why not lend a hand.  I suggested this to Mike, who told me to head to TenTablesJP the next day and talk to the illustrious Chef Dave Punch, as it is really up to him if he wants my help!  
Good call, finish movie, go to bed!

DAY 2:  OK, with that out of the way, here we are at day 2.  Will be shorted, I hope, cuz I have work to do!  
Drove the wife to work again, and stopped by the old office to say hello to someone!  I can't go a day without seeing my work heterolifemate, now can I?  
Driving home, get the text that my 3 fellow layoffs from my department, my good friends and lunch buddies Jacob, Becky, and Alex, want to have lunch (I was hoping for Thursday so I could start cleaning, but hey, I"VE GOT TIME!!!).  So, I get on the horn to figure it out.  Alex lives in JP, Becky in Brookline, Jacob far far away in Somerville, so that bitch must come to us!  Becky introduces us to the magic of the iPhone's 3 way calling (Jacob doesn't need to be in on this one, he just needs to get his butt to Brookline) and we end up deciding on the Sunset Grill in Allston, a place which I've never been.  
Went home, took a long shower, got dressed, loaded the dishwasher and ran it so I could say I got something accomplished, and then went to pick up Alex.  Off to the Sunset!

What an amazing beer selection.  I got a flight of 4, and I can't remember them all, but one was Allagash black, which I hadn't tried (but I have a big bottle of, thanks to my trip on day 1).  2 other very dark beers, all local to New England I believe, and we threw in a white beer since they were out of something.  
I decided to have meat today (I'm seriously cutting back on meat, by the way), and got a Cobbburger off the lunch menu - 8 bucks, burger with avocado, bacon, onions, blue cheeze, greens with vinagrette, and a side.  I did red beans n rice, and we all shared a basket of Cajun fries.
My assessment - great waiter.  burger was overcooked.  They forgot my red beans and rice, which were really yummy once I got them.  They forgot my Avocado, but I got that and it was good.  The Burger had tons of bacon and cheeze, and was yummy, though overcooked.   The fries were not very spicy, but still yummy.
Did I mention the amazing beer selection?  I had a hefeweizen after the flight!  Yes, I was a tad tipsy, but not too bad!
So, we 4 had a lovely time catching up and exchanging stories of each of our experiences with getting the boot!  Twas nice!

I drove Alex home, and then decided to go stop by Ten Tables to see Mr. Punch! (Punch-ey, in French).  Perfect timing, as a very adorable wine rep was there bringing them wine and letting them try some new ones.  Of course they gave me a glass and I tried 2, one white Reisling which was really fantastic, and a pretty good red.  Dave gave me a few sliced of Chorizo and some blue cheeze too.  Nice.  
He also accepted my help at TTCambridge, so I said I'd stop by at some point next week.  I think I'll show up with a sign pinned to my chest reading 'Will Work for Food' cuz really, why not!

Finally, stopped by New Leaf flores next door, the most amazing flower shop run by 2 fantastic gentlemen that I've become friends with.  Just wanted to say hello since I hadn't seen them in a while.  This is literally the most amazing flower shop, and I'm not huge on Flowers, but they get the weirdest coolest stuff and do amazing things with it!  Check them out, and if you need flowers, give them your bizness!!!!

after that, back home for a bit, then off to pick up the wife again!
Then, Acupuncture in Needham.
Then home.  I ate a bit of the wife's lame leftover sandwich from lunch, but was still pretty full from that burger.  Stop eating meat, and you'll notice when you have some, it just sits in your belly!  I did finish the chocolate and cheese, too!
And an uneventful night.
Watched an ep of America's Midol, an episode of The F Word, a new favorite show of our angry chef Gordon Ramsey that's on BBC America, and then last nights episode of Fringe, which was only ok.  I can't remember what I put on after that, but it was midnight, the wife was passed out on the couch, and I had a kitty all cuddled in my lap.  We woke up at 6 am in the same spot!!!

Not the best nights sleep, but its now day 3 - Cleaning day!!!!!  Drove the wife to work (its snowing so had to shovel first), visited my worklifepartner, came home, shoveled, and here I am.  Time to clean the kitchen at least, while listening too the Brazilian Girls - New York City, and Portishead - Third, 2 of my favorite records from 2008.
Litter boxes must be done as well.  And as much other stuff as I can cram in to the next 4 hours!
So, I'm off!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 1

Today is my first official day of unemployment!!!!

Yes, please,  congratulate me!

I now begin my new adventures as a house-husband/rock star/entrepreneur!

And I though I should document some things here!  Tasks, plans, laziness, hard work, et al.

For those of you who don't know me, well, you'll get to if you read this, I suppose.  
But, to begin, I've worked at my company for 5 years and 3 months.  Last week, whilst I was on vacation in sunny and beautiful Tulum, Mexico, I learned that, due to these difficult economic times, the company had to lay off about 200 people, myself included.  Did I mourn this job loss?  Hell F'ing NO!  I really was done with that place.  I had 6 different jobs while I was there, and didn't see anywhere else to go in the company.  Not to mention, I was really getting tired of the corporate life, and a job in a company who's sole purpose is to make rich people's lives better.  I need something more fulfilling.  So, I grabbed a bottle of Tequila and celebrated!!!!

I returned from Mexico on Saturday, the 24th, and found my package of forms to fill out and severance information.  I got a pretty good package, actually.  Welcome to early retirement!  Today, being Monday, is really the first day of my unemployment!  And I have plans, oh boy do I have plans!

So, today's accomplishments:
1. Woke up at 745 am, and drove my wife to work (she has a broken foot).  I will do this every day even when she's better, because otherwise I'll sleep the days away.  Scraped the frozen snow from last week off the car, broke the damn scraper!
2. Dropped off the wife at her office just after 9 am
3. Stopped at Starbucks for my Quad-Grande 3-pump Vanilla Latte
4. Went to the office!  WHAT??  Yeah, well, I wanted to return the paperwork in person, ask a few questions, hopefully get my W2, and visit some friends!
5. Met with my friend in HR for a while, went over the package.  On my way back out of the office, the CEO was walking buy.  She gave me a hug and asked how I was doing.  Not sure how wise this was, but force of habit, I exclaimed 'I'm GREAT!'  Then, realized this potential faux pas, I put my hand on her shoulder and asked how she was doing.  
6. On my way out, a few friends joined me and we chatted for a while outside.
7. Drove to downtown JP.  
  • Went to the bank to deposit my final paycheck (can't wait to get that severance check!)
  • Went to the convenience store to buy a scratch ticket (why not?)
  • CVS to pick up a few things the wife needed (poor thing needs a shower seat for her broken foot)
  • The Hardware store to buy a new Scraper (damn broken scraper)
  • Blanchards Liquors, cuz if I'm gonna be home, I'm going to need lots of beer.  My one present to myself, they have 8 different kinds of Allagash (excluding the normal one, which, funny enough, I didn't see) that I've been wanting to try.  Big bottles with corks!  So I bought one of each, plus a 12pack of Shipyard, and a 6pack of Mayflower porter (new local brewery in Plymouth, Mass, near my Mum's house!).  That's right, support your local companies.  Screw the big biz and their bad beer.  2 Maine breweries and one from here in MA!  Yeah, lots of beer
  • Java Joe's for another coffee and a Greek bagel sandwich (eggs, kalamata's, onion, feta, and spinach)
8. Finally got home, and I'm guessing it was about noon.  I ate my brunch while watching the season premier of the new Tim Roth drama, Lie To Me . I love Tim Roth, so I checked it out, and it was actually quite good.  Thank god for DVR.  
9. After that, went outside to get everything out of the car, and chatted with my neighbor for a while.  Too long, in fact, but what can you do!  
10. Now I'm here, on the computer, which I said I'd do just for a second to check my facebook and email, but I was thinking about doing this blog, and here I am doing it!!!  Its now 3, and I have to leave in an hour to go pick up the wife and head to acupuncture!  

Final thoughts, quite a nice first day of freedom!

Upcoming projects:
  1. Clean this House
  2. Empty the litter boxes, and begin doing the daily scoop
  3. Clean out the basement so my band, Burnt Fur, can finally move into my house!
  4. Work on music a lot more, since the band is in the house!
  5. Clean and organize my whole life's collection of stuff
  6. upload my entire CD collection to iTunes, and downsize, and write reviews online at a music blog I'm soon to be taking over
  7. Possibly create a blog that can be incorporated to my band's site
  8. Create at least 2 blogs for 02 Yoga.  One for vegan recipes, one for people who went on the trip to Maya Tulum
  9. Enroll for unemployment
  10. Possibly start my own business, as well as maybe become a dog walker!  Personal reminder, check out Paws to Consider, my neighbors dog walker service
  11. Learn Magic
  12. Read a lot
  13. Watch the entire Lost series again
  14. Buffy too
  15. watch all 3 extended Lord of the Rings movies, since I never saw the extended version of Return of the King.
  16. Watch season 1 of the Wire before my friend who gave it to me kills me
  17. Cook a lot of Vegan food
I'm sure there will be more!

Alright, first entry done.  I'll pretty up this blog another time.  Until then, have fun at work, suckers!!!!!

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