
Welcome to Post-Bush America.
In January of 2009, 600,000 people across the country were laid off.
I am one of them. This is the story of my early retirement!



As enjoyable as it has been, Blogging on Blogger is a lot of work!

Please visit my Tumblr page, which is like blogging, only better, easier, and faster!!!!

You can see my Tumblr posts below, as well!!!!!


Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So, I've determined that I'm too lazy for Blogger! It's not that I don't enjoy it, but it can be a lot of work.

Twitter, however, just isn't enough! One friggen line, status updates, I just don't understand Twitter at all.

Facebook is great, except you can only be seen by friends on Facebook.

Happy Medium?? Tumblr!
its pretty much all 3 jumbled together. And, they're pretty interchangeable.
So, i've made a Tumblr page

ianstgermain.tumblr.com is the url for now

and, if this HTML works, my posts should also show up here now!

Love you all!

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