Star Trek - This movie was fantastic. Visually stunning, fantastic acting, great writing. I love JJ Abrams. I was never a fan of the original Star Trek (i admit, i love TNG), but I know the characters, and I thought everyone did really well. That guy who played Bones was fantastic! And Simon Pegg as Scotty? Brilliant. And I love the fact that we have a time travel story that makes sense (SPOILER: That they don't just FIX everything in the end to go back to NORMAL! Brilliant way to reboot the story). Zachary Quinto as Spock, well, he's just fantastic. Loved everything about this movie.
Terminator 4 - I'm a bit biased, because I saw this in the LUX level at the Randolph theater, so I had dinner and beer in a big comfy chair while watching. Press a button, and the waiter appears and you get MORE BEER. But I thought this movie was the best one since the original. The guy who played the Terminator part was fantastic. The set up and story he had was VERY well done. Bale is always fantastic, even though the role was a bit transparent and redundant "This is Jon Connor" over and over again. But it was a great grim war movie. The last Terminator movie, well, i liked the story of what happened to Jon Connor, but the actual Terminator was lame. Going back to number 2, well, not nearly as good as it was when i was a kid. Especially the Arnold part. This one had none of that BS. It all went together, all made sense. All worked with the story. And the kid who played Kyle Reese, well, he was amazing. If you've watched the first movie enough, you know the actor who played Kyle Reese. He has particular mannerisms, a unique voice, etc. This kid clearly studied that, because he nailed it. I Loved this movie. PLUS, I saw the preview of 9 at the beginning, and I can't wait!
The new X-Files movie - the reason I started this post. REALLY???? They brought back the XFiles with THIS piece of crap story. No aliens at all. Just a psychic ex priest, who wasn't even that important to the story at all (though I love Billy Connoly and was glad to see him in this), and some frankensteinish russians keeping someone alive. NOTHING Xfilesish about this. This was like one of the bad filler episodes of the series that were just pointless to the overall story arc. Why make a movie with this. WHY??? dumb.
Wolverine - I need to see it again. Don't remember much. But, i know it was disappointing and cheezy yet had great moments too. Wish it was better.
I guess thats it. I'm bored now.